Monday, August 17, 2009

ABDC & Femininity, Word to Eric Benet

Since when is switching your hips and twirling your weave the essence of femininity? Well, if any of you saw last night's installment of America's Best Dance Crew, that's exactly the message you got. 

I must admit, the only reason I'm  paying attention to this show is because I'm rooting for the Beat Ya Feet Kingz. Having lived in the area for 7 years, I've grown fond of DC culture and want to see it get as much shine as possible. Aside from that, ABDC bores me. Shane Sparks is ridiculously corny and everything about Lil' Mama puzzles me. The talent isn't what I would expect for a national show, either. I saw better dance crews in high school. Aside form BYFK, I'm checking for Vogue Evolution, a dance squad of all gay men. The consistently bring it with the creativity and bring more to the table than the usual popping, locking and gymnastics. 

Last night, each dance crew had to perform to a Beyonce song. After Vogue Evolution performed, Lil' Mama commented that one of their members, Leyomi Mizrahi, was more feminine than the females that had performed earlier. So, a man acting as a caricature of a woman is now the epitome of femininity? At this point, I'm frowning. Lil' Mama, don't you understand that how Queens act is an EXAGGERATION of their perceptions of feminine mannerisms? 

The fact that women don't know the difference and put down other women for not being as feminine as a transgender man is a problem. I think some of this comes from women not being able to compliment each other. A young lady on Twitter said the girl from the "Southern Movement" dance crew looked like a "southern tranny" but then went on to tweet about how "gorgeous" Leyomi was. Don't get it twisted, Leyomi is pretty, but I'm worried about our eagerness to put each other down while celebrating others. Leyomi can be both pretty and feminine without you having to assault my femininity. We clearly don't value our womanhood, we'd prefer the imitation.